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2nd Year Health and Wellness Coordinator


2nd Year Health and Wellness Coordinator

The main objective of the Health and Wellness Coordinators is to promote healthy active living and physical wellness for the Wilfrid
Laurier University Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) graduate students. They help to establish physical activities through the organization of intramural sports and recreational activities offered by the Athletics and Recreation department. Additionally, they organize tournaments and wellness outreach events to benefit the WLU students and the community at large.

Who Are We?

Research Interests:
Motor learning and motor development in both healthy and special populations.

Supervisor: Dr. Pam Bryden

Hobbies: Soccer, Volleyball, Photography and Knitting

Favourite Movie: Wedding Crashers

Words to live by: Everything happens for a reason

Research Interest : Gait stability research
Dr. Stephen Perry
Hobbies: Sports/Sleeping/Watching tv shows and movies
Favourite Sports Team: Toronto Raptors

Research Interests: Psychology of injury and rehabilitation & psychophysiology, specifically, use of biofeedback to facilitate injured athletes throughout their recovery process.
Supervisor: Dr. Jill Tracey
Hobbies: sports (hockey, soccer, snowboarding), traveling, gym, movies, YoYo’s
Favourite Sports Team: Detroit Red Wings
Favourite Shows: Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, Entourage, Modern Family, Friday
Night Lights


Scott R

1st Year Health and Wellness Coordinator

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